Handi-Grate Multi-Function Grater
Product Details
Web ID: 1670356Great
Love this item. Once again Joseph Joseph have made a quality easy to use item.
Customer review from Joseph Joseph
Customer review from macys.com
great little device
This is a very handy little shredder/slicer and it works well, too.
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It slices but the grater
It slices but the grater part seems to be the wrong side it will not grater garlic at all...it will on the reverse side but not the side with the slider on that protects your fingers which is why I bought it
Customer review from Joseph Joseph
Joseph Joseph oh dear!
I do wish I’d read these reviews before buying. An absolute design fault by a company I’ve always associated with good design. Bought this specifically because I end up grating my knuckles and guess what if I use it I still do!! A very simple solution of putting grooves on both sides for the slider would have solved this problem. Very disappointed!
Customer review from Joseph Joseph
😥 love it but …..
I really like this handy slicer grater BUT I lost the small pusher insert which, unfortunately, isn’t available ti buy as a spare part.
Customer review from Joseph Joseph
Designed to be half as good as it could be
It might appear as a grater with a convenient slider for either slicing or grating - but the grater is on the other side and doesnt work with the slider! Designed to fail. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. Guess I'll continue to grate my fiddly garlic without a convenient slider then, thanks.
Customer review from Joseph Joseph
Well slicer works but the grater doesn’t. The holes have been manufactured incorrectly
Customer review from Joseph Joseph